Blog > Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Create a Balanced Fitness PlanCreate a Balanced Fitness Plan


Create a Balanced Fitness Plan

Improve Your Nutrition

A low-calorie diet will help you lose weight, but if you're not careful, it can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Nutrition must be a priority to give your body the fuel it needs. Eat meals and snacks balanced in protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Include a variety of plant-based foods to increase your intake of dietary fiber and phytonutrients that protect health.

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Ways to Overcome the Winter BluesWays to Overcome the Winter Blues


Couple in robes sunning themselves indoors

With the short winter days, some of us get a case of the winter blues. This mild depression that only occurs in the fall and winter is called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Roughly 25 percent of the population is affected by SAD.

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Tips for Setting Health GoalsTips for Setting Health Goals


Tips for Setting Health Goals

Goals are important to adopting a healthier lifestyle because they help us measure progress. You can stay motivated and set achievable goals by breaking down your goals into manageable steps.

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Ways to Improve PostureWays to Improve Posture


Ways to Improve Posture

Good posture keeps the spine strong and stable while supporting its natural curves. By paying attention to how you sit and stand, you can make simple adjustments to improve your posture.

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10 Easy Ways to Get Healthy10 Easy Ways to Get Healthy


Easy Ways to Get Healthy

Living a healthier lifestyle isn't always the result of drastic changes. Often, the small changes we make to daily habits have the biggest impact on our health. Here are ten small changes you can make that will improve your health.

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How to Use Positive AffirmationsHow to Use Positive Affirmations


How to Use Positive Affirmations

When you encounter challenges, it is easy for negative self-talk to take over, but you can reduce it by using positive affirmations. A positive affirmation is a word or phrase that confirms a positive aspect about you or your life. These affirmations can be used whenever you need a boost to your self-confidence.

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Healthy Ways to Celebrate AutumnHealthy Ways to Celebrate Autumn


Healthy Ways to Celebrate Autumn

Take a hike.

Cooler temperatures, low humidity, and changing colors make autumn one of the best times to hike. Rough terrain can help improve balance, challenge the cardiovascular system, and build core and lower body strength. Research also shows that hiking can reduce stress and anxiety.

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The Healthy Kitchen TestThe Healthy Kitchen Test


Woman chopping vegetables in a kitchen

A healthy diet starts in the kitchen. By having a fridge and pantry stocked with fresh ingredients and nutritious snacks, you can better control the foods you eat. A healthy kitchen also requires proper food handling and storage to keep you and your family safe. Take the following test to see if you have a healthy kitchen!

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Tips for Shopping at the Farmers MarketTips for Shopping at the Farmers Market


Tips for Shopping at the Farmers Market

The farmers market is one of the best resources for healthy foods, but a visit can be overwhelming if you are new to the scene. Here are a few tips to help you find great food and get the best deals.

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