Choice Beef Loin (T-bone Steak)Broiled. Fat removed. 3 oz | |
Omaha SteaksT-Bone Steak 7 oz | |
Beef Loin (T-bone Steak) w/ 1/4 Inch of FatBroiled 3 oz | |
Omaha SteaksKing Cut T-Bone Steak 10 oz | |
PublixT-Bone Steak 3 oz | |
Denny'sT-bone Steak & Eggsw/ hash browns 1 serving (18oz) | |
Beef Short Loin (T-bone Steak) w/ 1/8 Inch of FatBroiled 3 oz | |
Omaha SteaksPrivate Reserve T-Bone Steak 16 oz | |
LongHorn SteakhouseFire-Grilled T-Bone 1 order (16oz) | |
Beef Short Loin (T-bone Steak) w/ 1/4 Inch of FatBroiled. Fat removed. 3 oz | |
Texas RoadhousePorterhouse T-Bone (23oz) 1 steak | |
Beef Short Loin (T-bone Steak) w/ 1/8 Inch of FatRaw 1 oz | |
Beef Short Loin (T-bone Steak)Broiled. Fat removed. 3 oz | |
Lone Star SteakhouseT-Bone Steak 20 oz | |
IHOPT-Bone Steak – 12 oz 1 order | |
President's ChoiceMini T-Bone Bone-In Rosemary & Garlic Loin Lamb Chops 3 chops (45g) | |
Schwan'sUSDA Choice Beef T-Bone Steak 1⁄3 steak (113g) | |
Beef Short Loin (T-bone Steak) w/ 1/4 Inch of FatRaw. Fat removed. 1 oz | |
Denny'sT-bone Steak Dinnerw/ bread 1 plate (11oz) | |
LongHorn SteakhouseTexas T-Bone w/o Condiments, Dipping Sauces, Or Sides 1 serving | |
The Chop HouseT-Bone Steak – 20 oz 1 order | |
Sayers BrookT-Bone – 4 oz 1 steak (4oz) | |
Sayers BrookT-Bone SteakConnie's collection 1 serving (4oz) | |
Sayers BrookT-Bone Steak – 4 ozMama T's thrift pack 1 serving (4oz) | |
IHOPBreakfast Combination – 10 oz T-Bone Steak & Eggs 1 order | |
IHOPBreakfast Combination – 12 oz T-Bone Steak 1 order | |
IHOPT-Bone Steak – 10 oz 1 order | |
Denny'sT-bone Steak & Shrimp Dinnerw/ bread 1 order (14oz) | |
BlackwingBeef T-Bone Steak 4 oz | |
Waffle HouseT-Bone & Eggs 1 order | |
Waffle HouseT-Bone Steak Dinner 1 order | |
Waffle HouseGrilled Chicken Dinner 1 order | |
Logan's RoadhouseT-Bone SteakSides not included 6 orders | |