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Create Healthy Habits

Incorporate morning and evening routines.

Having a plan for how you will begin and end each day in a healthy way will keep you motivated to reach your goals. Morning and evening routines create the consistency necessary to form healthy habits. In the morning, drink 2 cups of water, work out, or make your eating plan for the day. At night, prepare healthy lunches and snacks, schedule 10 minutes to read, or wind down with a relaxing yoga session.

Try things more than once.

Whether it’s a new workout or a new food, never give up on a healthy change after trying it only once. You may simply need to make adjustments so that it’s a better fit for you. If you dislike strength training in the weight room, try a muscle conditioning class. If you can't stand broccoli, look for new recipes with creative ways to prepare it, or try other cancer-fighting cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and cabbage.

Make vegetables non-negotiable.

Few foods provide the same unique plant nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fiber as vegetables. You might not like them initially, but they are essential to healthy eating. Create the habit of having vegetables at every meal. Start by using vegetables as mix-ins or toppings for some of your favorite foods. Add shredded cabbage to tacos and stir bell peppers and spinach into scrambled eggs. As you develop a preference for certain vegetables, transition to larger portions to make them the focus of your meals.

Insist on healthy snacks.

Snacking when you’re hungry doesn't have to ruin your eating plan. Stay one step ahead and keep healthy snacks like low-sugar yogurt, nuts, seeds, and fruit easily accessible. When you attend meetings or parties, offer to provide a healthy dish. Your fellow attendees will appreciate a nutritious option.

Lori Rice, M.S., is a nutritional scientist and author with a passion for healthy cooking, exercise physiology, and food photography.
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