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Indoor Exercises that Burn Tons of CaloriesIndoor Exercises that Burn Tons of Calories


Indoor Exercises that Burn Calories

Moving workouts indoors during hot weather will allow you to keep up the intensity without overheating. Don’t think that indoor workouts are limited to lengthy treadmill sessions. Add variety by trying new classes, sports, and routines that burn calories and keep you fit.

Rowing machine

If you prefer cardio sessions on machines, step off the treadmill and try something new. Most gyms have rowing machines, but they are rarely used, even though rowing is an excellent full-body workout. It is unique in that it works both the upper and lower body simultaneously to increase the heart rate. It can be challenging initially, so start by working a few minutes on the rowing machine into your cardio session. You’ll be ready for longer sessions as your coordination and fitness improve.

Calories burned in 30 minutes at a moderate pace: 239

Indoor cycling

Cycling classes remain one of the most popular workouts at the gym. They allow you to adjust the intensity to your fitness level with the opportunity to push yourself for a challenging workout. Indoor cycling is for you if you shy away from group exercise classes because of complicated choreography or complex moves.

Calories burned in 30 minutes of vigorous indoor cycling: 356


Indoor recreational sports are great ways to change your routine when it’s too hot outside for your usual walk or run. Basketball's stop-and-go activity provides your cardiovascular system and muscles with a new type of training.

Calories burned in 30 minutes: 199

Dance classes

Take a break from the workout mentality and make your physical activity more fun with dance classes. If you’ve been interested in learning dance, now is the time to do it. Everything from hip hop to ballroom dancing will boost cardio fitness, challenge your muscles, and improve your flexibility. Plus, you can boost brain health by learning something new.

Calories burned hip hop dancing for 30 minutes: 180

Circuit training

End the boredom of 30-minute cardio sessions followed by strength training by creating a circuit workout. Alternate one strength training exercise with five minutes of cardio for the length of your session. It’s a workout that keeps the heart rate up and blasts calories. You can perform your circuit on machines at the gym or by combining dumbbells with jogging in place, jumping jacks, and squat jumps.

Calories burned in 30 minutes: 279

* Calories burned are based on a 150-pound female.
Lori Rice, M.S., is a nutritional scientist and author with a passion for healthy cooking, exercise physiology, and food photography.
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