Name: Judy
Age: 53
Starting Weight: 200
Weight now: 148
Total pounds lost: 52
What was the turning point that motivated your lifestyle change?
As a Mom of three, I allowed my physical fitness needs to slip, which eventually spilled over into careless eating habits. As both my children and I aged, I found it more difficult to maintain my weight with sporadic exercise routines. As I approached 50 years of age, my weight issues continued to escalate. I was determined to commit to a consistent exercise program including both an aerobic and weight training component.
After a year without of any weight loss success, I was confused and discouraged. At my annual exam, my doctor concluded I was eating high quality foods, however, I was simply eating too much. The steps I had taken in the past to lose weight would not work for me based on where I was in my life. She recommended keeping a “diary” of my food and suggested To be completely honest, I had also had enough of being overweight – I felt like a prisoner in my own body.
How did help in your weight loss journey?
MyFoodDiary made all of the difference between success and failure – between 200 and 148 pounds! At first I was nervous I would starve on the amount of calories that were recommended for my weight loss, but I came to understand how distorted my perception was regarding portion size. MyFoodDiary has brought awareness and true change to my eating habits.
The easy format actually encouraged me to stick with tracking my food intake. The formulas for losing weight safely were easy to understand.
Describe your new, healthy lifestyle.
I approach food so differently now. First, I write everything down – everything! The suggestions in the Daily Report and Resources tab have moved me to tweak my intake towards more fiber, fewer simple carbohydrates, and leaner sources of protein. I read the expert tips, weigh my food, and place my food on smaller dishes. The food charts have also challenged me to reduce my simple sugar intake.
My weight loss resulting from changed eating habits also inspired me to adopt a balanced and consistent exercise regime. I have made exercise a priority and view it not as a luxury but as a prerequisite for good health.
What has been your biggest challenge, and how have you overcome it?
My biggest challenge is maintaining a presence of mind while eating out and estimating the calories for my diary. I have overcome the first by eating something healthy at home so I do not arrive at the restaurant starving. Second, I ask the restaurant if they have a nutrition guide. If one is not available, I attempt to find an equivalent meal in the diary database.
What is one new healthy habit that you didn’t expect to like, but now love?
I tried yoga for relaxation, but was stunned at the power and flexibility components of the practice. The power yoga classes I attend have significantly increased my flexibility and sculpted just about every dimension of my body. I have never been stronger and I am hooked!
What has been the greatest reward of your weight loss success?
My health has greatly improved. My blood pressure dropped from 120/80 to 110/70, pulse rate is in the low 50’s, and my cholesterol is in the 140’s. The icing on the cake is that I dropped TWO jean sizes!
What’s next? Any upcoming plans that were influenced by your weight loss?
I look forward to working out with my very active college-aged daughters. I want to lead by example and show that you can live your life well no matter what age you are. We have the ability to influence our health and lifestyle and, in turn, inspire others to do the same.
What is your best advice for others?
- Educate yourself about what you’re eating. I believe the more you know, the better choices you make. When travelling, I always bring healthy food with me so I do not get “caught out” and end up making poor choices.
- Be open to giving different exercise options a try and join a fitness facility if you are able. I have found that connecting with individuals at the club keeps me accountable and engaged. Surround yourself with active people!
- Do not give up if you have failed days or even weeks. It’s very easy to feel defeated when you’ve eaten something you shouldn’t have or didn’t exercise when you should have – but be kind to yourself. There is always a new morning!